Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WOW, how do you feed all those people?

 This is a question I get asked ALMOST every time someone finds out I have 6 kids (well, lets be honest, anyone who is married has and extra kid who some times counts as 2! ;p ) and my nephew lives with me.  Well, my answer is, VERY CAREFULLY!  LOL  
 Seriously though, we are a LARGE family in a shrinking economy when prices are doing nothing but going UP UP UP!!!  We became a large family when 2 were blessed and became one so going from cooking for 3 people to 8 (and more) was a complete shock!  
 I'm going to try and post some of my recipes and tricks for cooking on a larger scale and saving a little money while I do it.  
 I hope you enjoy and if you have any questions or tips, please feel free to comment or ask and we can work through this together!

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